Friday 19 June 2015

Technologies in TV and Film

Consumer Products

A consumer products are items that people buy, from various different retailers. Such as Amazon or Editing software is different because it's not a physical item, it's often bought and downloaded from a website. Other types of consumer products are DVD/Blu ray players, these have become a staple of homes. Some newer pieces of tech such as TVs and Laptops have DVD's players built-in. 

Cable & Satellite

Cable TV is TV the brought through from underground in big cables. A good example of this is Virgin media, who do fiber optic cable for TV and internet. Satellite, is when a satellite is fitted to someones house, this allows them to pick up just as many if not more channels than cable. Service providers such as Sky offer satellite packages.

Analogue & Digital 

Analogue is now outdated and was switched off October 24th 2012. All TV's now work off digital signals. Digital signals are a series of pulses that only consist of two different states, analogue however will fluctuate in pitch and sound, but when coming through a radio that fluctuation is reduced down to nothing.


The internet is a very large part of most peoples lives. Most people use it perfectly legally, usually for checking social networking sites like Facebook & Twitter or consuming various different forms of media (Youtube, Imgur, Reddit etc etc). A large portion of the people who use the internet may also use it to access TV catch-up services like BBC Iplayer, ITVplayer, 4OD and so on. However plenty of people use the internet for illegal stuff too, such as torrenting movies, TV shows and illegally downloading music.


Interactive media is become more and more common in households now, with things such as video games, music videos and TV and so on. TV has become more interactive because people can now record, pause, rewind and fast forward the programs they're watching.


HD is now widely used throughout all forms of media. 1080p & 60fps are becoming the standards for recordings and video games. Technological breakthroughs are the only things that have made HD readily accessible to everyone. HD is used to see things in far greater detail and definition to SD. This is used by films, TV and most video games to help with immersion.


In order for 3D pictures and film to work properly each of a persons eyes must see slightly different images. The brain then puts them together to make one 3D image that has actual depth to it. 3D allows things to be seen as if they were right in front of someone, which is used a lot by films and such for a greater sense of immersion into the piece of media text. HD & 3D work well together to form something truly immersive.

Pay Per View

Isn't often used much anymore thanks to On-Demand, although they do sometimes work in conjunction with one another. Pay per view does exactly what it says on the tin, you pay for what you watch and nothing else.


On-Demand services such as Sky, TiVo, 4OD and others all allow people to watch TV whenever they want, and on any device that's connected to the internet.

Streaming Content

The difference between streaming and downloading or recording is that whatever your watching doesn't stay on your device, for example if you download a film, that film will stay on your laptop or tablet and it will be available anytime. Where as if you stream something it's much like watching a YouTube video. Once you click off the page it goes, it doesn't stay like if you've downloaded something.

Digital recorders

These are things we use to watch films and such through the TV. Netflix is one of the most common ones to be used, so is LoveFilm and so on. Like many other things this works only when using the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Will.

    Good job on this technologies post.

    Please heavily extend each post with a bit more description and add plenty of examples for each part.

    Also add some relevant images and visuals throughout to improve this piece.

